Pon Summer Camp

Dal 25 giugno al 29 giungo 2018 si è tenuto  alle Scuole Fassi, il Summer Camp grazie ai fondi PON.

Cinque giorni, 5 avventure, tutte in lingua inglese con Kayleigh Grosvemor madrelingua direttamente dalla Gran Bretagna.

Day one no theme Mission of the day: all the new superheroes have been recruited. The first mission is to make their superheroes costumes and to decide chat their super power is. Songs, games and didactical work. Team games. Final circle up.  
Crazy socks Our super computer arms us that agricolture has been erased from history. All the counsellors act strange pretending not to know the names of fruits and veggies. Songs, team games and didactical works. Final circle up.  
Yellow day The day is set in ancient Greece, at the very first Olympics ever. Our computer is telling us that someone is trying to sabotage the first edition of the games.


We need to go back to ancinet Greece to pley Olympics games. Songs, team games and didactical works. Final circle up.

Crazy hair We must go back in time to save the recipe of the chocolate. Songs, team games and didactical works. Final circle up.  
Backwards day All books seems to have disappeared. We must go back in time at Gutembergs age to make sure that everything goes according to the plan. Songs, team games and didactical works. Final circle up.
Pon Summer Camp